Category Archives: Ramblings of a Redhead

Get High Naturally

One of my favorite enjoyments has always been gathering with family and friends around the table.  Good food and good talk. The sharing of stories that brings such laughter to our hearts is such a “feel good” experience.  The laughter releases the endorphins in our body and the result is an euphoric high for hours.  Imagine if everyone on this planet could reach that happy euphoric level at the same time. It may shift a change in humanity for the better.


The adventures and experiences of a life time can be hilarious!  Perhaps they will be posts for another time in the future.






Happy Valentine’s Day

Share the love in your heart and soul. Imagine breathing in energy of universal love.

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While exhaling, imagine the love flowing through your heart and blanketing the world in a light pink mist of love.

Make this a daily habit to improve our world.

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Life Lessons

If you find yourself in the same tough experience over and over again, perhaps you are trying to learn a life lesson on this earth. This applies to situations with a friend, co-worker, married/life partner, or even a stranger. Only you can break this cycle. 

Take a few quiet soul searching moments to reflect on the situation. What have you learned from the tough time? Do you think you have learned enough from the struggle so you do not need any more “life training”? Do you think you can “let go” of that struggle and move on with your future life in a happier and peaceful mode?

It is up to you. If you want to keep repeating the same tough experiences over and over again, it is easy to do as this does feel familiar and in you comfort zone. If you are really ready to break this cycle, make sure you have learned your “life lesson” well. You do not want to repeat this again. Acknowledge to yourself what your soul has learned; thereby you can release and begin your new journey of peace.





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